During years I used to write book notes to my paper notebook, but last month I decided to share all things I learned on my blog. 🙂
Last week I read a book by Darius Foroux Win Your Inner Battles. This book moved me to the great mood. I would like to insert some essential things that I learned from him while reading. Also, I’m a reader of this blog, I love that themes and would like to recommend this to everyone.
- Decide to be happy. Say NO stress, anxiety, pain, hurt. SAY NO!
- The author says fear is a choice. And this is the truth. It is all about choice.
- One thing from book shocked me. 65% of our thoughts are negative – research shows! OMG? Really?
- Stress releases hormone cortisol that could compromise our immune system. Researchers found a relationship between cortisol and diabetes, osteoporosis, and other diseases. It was an interesting fact to me.
- It is all about progress. Progress makes us happy not money. Without actions, there is no progress? True! Take small steps. I don’t like Garry V., but I love his statement: “One is greater than zero.” Just keep walking.
- Control your mindset and actions. That is all we can control. Sometimes in life lot of things aren’t in our hands.
- Consistency is the only path to results. That is a problem for all of us. For example, people decide to start with gym, and they put very ambitious goals. For example, I want to do bench press with 140kg/ ten repetitions within two months. Sorry, bro… All you can do are injuries. Be patient, take small steps and be consistent.
- Visualization is a one of valuable tool we have. First time I use my visualization was before 15 years. I was a swimmer. During my training, I always visualize real competition and my results on training were better. I also read in some sales book that visualization before meetings improves our confidence and results.
- Well lived life is long enough? When I started to think about my last 30yrs, I realized It is true. But a lot of us waste our time on stupid things such as (TV Shows, Facebook, Twitter and similar activities). Think about time, where you spend it and how.
- Comparing with others. The worst thing we can do it. We are different people, with different paths and different life circumstances. And… Don’t believe everything you see – It is just a surface. Be better person every day that is your path and your life.
- The purpose is a decision. It is something we decide! Enough. It is all about choice!
- Help someone else If you want to be happy for a lifetime. I was a volunteer for about four years, and I realized It was something that makes me a better person and I was a happier person. Will do some changes. 🙂
- Enjoy the moment. We are always one step ahead or stuck in past…. But what about moments? What about a present? Is it your last moment? Who knows… Just be present and enjoy life. My best friend loves to say: “New day…New happiness”. Read my blog post about a path and small wins.
- We need to hear 17 positive affirmations to overwrite one negative message – MIT researchers said. Before almost six yrs I decided to STOP watching TV, read newspapers and read depressive/ negative/ political social media posts. Try to create your world; I believe that is all about choice and decision to think positive. Of course, We are people… We have Ups and Downs but… We choose.
- Keep A Journal. Great and helpful advice. Write thing down every day and try to understand your emotions, reactions, moods… More at Darius blog post. http://dariusforoux.com/how-to-journal/
Great book, great author. Just read it.