Valuable lessons I learned from book Win Your Inner Battles

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During years I used to write book notes to my paper notebook, but last month I decided to share all things I learned on my blog. 🙂

Last week I read a book by Darius Foroux Win Your Inner Battles. This book moved me to the great mood. I would like to insert some essential things that I learned from him while reading. Also, I’m a reader of this blog, I love that themes and would like to recommend this to everyone.

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Marketing Meet Up: Odjava iz etera

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Nije Marisol, nije Santa Barbara… Al’ pripremi rupčić za suze. 😛

Evo da se i ja javim nastavno na moju najavu sa zadnje Marketing Meet Upa da ću se malo odmoriti od organizacije Meetupa. J Evo već skoro četiri godine održavam ovaj event koji je izrastao u jedan jako lijepi After Work. U te četiri godine nisam propustio ni jedan od 29. događanja i na to sam jako ponosan. A iznimna čast mi je bila upoznati sve vas (preko 1800 članova ove grupe). 🙂

Zašto Meetup?

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5 Years of Entrepreneurship: What I learned about health (Weight Ups & Downs)

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Entrepreneurship / Fitness

When you start your company you don’t have a 9-5 job. For a while, I was working from 8:00 am until 24 pm. I remember, when our startup project FenixApps came to life, I slept from 3 am until 8 am.

It si important to notice that I was in active sport all my life, and for me, this was like breathing air, drinking water… something essential.

Changes in physical appearance 

During the office time, we used to eat some crappy food like pizzas, cookies, fried things etc. I was rapidly gaining weight, but I didn’t notice that transformation – maybe little bit. 🙂 My working day would start with bakery, lunch time was unregulary (Take what you can take. Read: pizza) for dinner again pizza (!) or something like that.

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Entrepreneurs, Don’t Forget to Celebrate Small Victories

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Every new day is a new fight and a chance to do something on the way to accomplishing your goals. Our goals define our lives and every small movement is a big step towards achieving our goal. Sometimes, all of us forget to celebrate those small victories while we are waiting for the “big one”.  But this path towards our main goal could last for years on end. As an entrepreneur, I’m surrounded by people in entrepreneurship and I see that lots of them forget to live each day because they are waiting “the end of a journey“.


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My Top Workout Motivation Songs

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For the last 9 months, I have been searching for the music that motivates me during my workout session. Music is an important part of my workout especially if I’m doing running cardio workout. On average my playlist lasts for about three training sessions and then… It becomes deadly boring. I usually use Deezer (web-based music streaming service) application on my iPhone. For me, it is the simplest way of preparing lists without uploading mp3 files. I don’t use my iPod anymore.


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